Friday, January 19, 2007

Sitting BABY!!!

Today is the regular check-up, which is also the 33rd weeks of my pregnancy.

And oh oh, my baby is sitting!!! A breech baby...

Doctor said nothing i can do as baby is too active, keeps changing her position... hopefully by the due date, she will keeps her head down.

Otherwise... i will have a scar on my tummy :(

Monday, January 15, 2007

41' tuMmY

Let's see the Tummy of the Year!!!

i got a 41 inches tummy... and it is growing...

This is my big belly with a 8 months old baby staying inside.

If view from the side, looks like a giant egg...

hehehee...Everyday is one day nearer to the due date, can't wait to see how my baby looks like...

The one & only hope is SHE will be a healthy baby.