Monday, November 26, 2007

i'm 9

"I can handle this! No need to hold me!"

ViVi is 9 months old now...

she is keen to practicing her "standing skill", she will grabbed anything handy to her and get up from the floor.

as she growing older, we need to pay more attention to her and watch her every step.

one minute she can be in the walker, next minute she might be on the floor.

ViVi 1st dim sum treat...

today we went for dim sum, as breakfast at taman rasa sayang, cheras.

this is the 1st time ViVi has her dim sum, reason being we went so far, because ViVi's uncle worked there, i think grandma is happy to see her son working at a proper place.

look at ViVi in baby chair... she is happy and enjoy the environment.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007







Can you imagine baby "came out" from her walker!?

Don't know how she did it, baby ViVi was sitting in her walker yesterday evening, the next minute she was lying the matress put on the floor.

My mum was so surprise & also relief as she didn't hurt sheself when doing the "stunt"...

Oh, ViVi is really an super active baby...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

i want 2 poo poo

Baby ViVi will "tell" us when she wants to poo poo... yes, is true, she will making sounds like "hmm hmm" when she wanted to poo.

Isn't she a smart baby!? hahahaa... she is going 2 be 9 mths old soon.

Looking at her daily development, mama feels amazing...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

mirror mirror on the wall...

who is the cutest of the world?

absolutely me!

ViVi likes 2 play with mirror nowadays, she will smile & laugh when looked at her own reflection.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Stand Up!

ViVi is 8 mths & 1 week now, she is learning 2 stand up by herself, holding anything comes handy 2 her.

now she can stand with some supporting object, anyway, she can't sit by her own.

just like yesterday when i delivered, now she is growing so fast... very soon she will running around the house... :)

雙魚座 02/19 - 03/20


神經質、健忘、多愁善感、想像豐富、自欺欺人等等都是雙魚座的形容詞,不過雙魚座最大優點就是他的一顆善良的心,他最喜歡幫助人,願意犧牲自己去為別人,不過不要以為他很偉大,其實只不過他借幫人而去突出對自己的肯定價值,可見他們多麼沒有信心。 由於沒有信心,經常為自己製造藉口去逃避,很多時他明知故犯,皆因他愛自欺欺人。

